Eastside Republican Club

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Know What You’re Signing

As of the latest count, 16 ballot petition drives are underway in Michigan. That’s right: 16! Some will initiate veto proof legislation. Others will put specific language on the Nov. 8 ballot.

One such petition is literally a matter of life and death.

“The petition drive that we are very concerned about is being sponsored by a brand-new pro-abortion coalition. They're calling themselves "Reproductive Freedom for All," writes Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan.

Goal of this group is to gather enough petition signatures to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot. The group has until July 11 to submit its petitions and must aggressively gather more than 5,000 signatures per day in the interim.

“Paid petition circulators can be extremely deceptive while gathering signatures. When in doubt, read the actual proposed language. By law, it must appear on each and every petition,” warned Listing in a recent letter to supporters.

Although the flaw in their original petition has been corrected, they have lost valuable time as the 150-day signature gathering window is now reduced to 109 days. Net result is they need 5,000 per day.

Don't make the mistake of signing "Reproductive Freedom for All."